2025 Free Tote Bag
We want to give you a cute tote bag for your Bible study goodies! Not only is it cute, but it …
We want to give you a cute tote bag for your Bible study goodies! Not only is it cute, but it …
Are you able to control your thoughts? Is that even possible? My wheels started turning after coming across the following verse about taking thoughts captive to obey Christ …
What did Jesus say was necessary? It might not be what you think! …
Today’s Scripture Art and blog post are designed to help you find the best pen for writing in the Bible as well as your Scripture writing journal. We did a little crowdsourcing to compile a group of your favorite pens to put to the “best test” …
Before I show you our new 365 Names of God journal, you may be wondering about the why behind the theme. To illustrate the why, humor me for a moment and try this …
After finishing the book Hope Heals by Katherine and Jay Wolf (which I highly recommend), a couple of quotes really stuck with me. In fact, they had my wheels turning and questions sparking so much that I had to dive into my Bible to learn more …
Want some biblical help for your struggle to have EVERYdayness in God’s Word? Here are 5 paradigm shifts that will inspire you to choose Bible study over other options when the moment of decision arrives each day.
~ Today we are revealing our newest Scripture writing journal to add to your collection! The theme this year is: Write Prayer On My Heart. This is not a typical prayer journal. See why below. ~ Just in case you didn’t know, we design a new Scripture writing journal every year and we can hardly […]
Break out the party streamers and cue the confetti, because we are excited to unveil the theme of our next Scripture Writing 365 Journal! And to help celebrate, we are introducing our newest addition to our collection of printables …
It’s renewal time! Yes, it’s that time of year when we all start to think about renewing our calendars and planners for next year. And as usual we’ve got you covered! But even better than introducing our new 2023 printable Christian Calendar with a Psalms theme, I want to introduce you to my sweet friend Rhonda …