Verse Journaling Challenge

~ Join the Write-A-Verse-A-Day challenge below to handwrite 21 Bible verses about HOW to rejuvenate and refresh your walk with Christ! ~

*Psst. If you don’t need these verses now, you may want to join anyway and save them for the inevitable future day when you do need some refreshment.

21 Day Scripture Writing Challenge Worksheets to write a verse a day

Hi Friend!

Have you ever felt ho hum during your quiet time with the Lord? Or worse, dropped the quiet time altogether?

It’s time to rejuvenate your Bible habits.

Maybe you’re thinking sure, I’d like to write God’s Word on my heart, BUT all the things I’ve tried before just haven’t stuck.

I’ll tell you what made the difference for me …

What made it finally click …

2019 Christian Planner or Verse Journal

And stick …

Verse Journaling!

Or sometimes I call it Verse Hunting – since I *hunt* for a verse to write during my daily Bible study.

Others simply call it Scripture writing.

Whatever you call it, I want you to give this simple, yet heart-changing discipline a try!

That’s why I designed a free 21 Day Challenge just for you.

More on that in a sec.

I kind of fell into writing a verse a day years ago – long before it was a “thing.” I didn’t sit down and plan to do it – it sort of evolved. But the Lord knew what He was sparking in my heart and oh, what a blessing it became!

Verse Journaling Challenge Pages

Here’s how I started:

1. During my daily Bible-reading time, I asked the Lord which verse He wanted me to focus on that day.

2. Then I wrote down one verse (or more) each day.

That’s it!

That’s it?

Ok, if you are anything like me, you have about 23 questions swirling in your head.

Don’t worry, the FAQ’s are below.

And I’m going to walk you through this step by step.

Ready to transform your Bible reading habit? Your whole life, even? If you want to write God's Word on your heart, but nothing you've tried has stuck, this Verse Journal is for you!
Verse Journaling Challenge

Write-A-Verse-A-Day Challenge

I’d love for you to consider giving Scripture writing a try for the next 21 days to see what you think.

What have you got to lose?

Imagine how these rejuvenating verses will affect your walk with Christ! Let’s do this!

1} Sign up with the form below and then print out the free worksheets to write a verse a day (or use any piece of paper – but the key is to handwrite the verse).

2} I will send you an email for 21 straight days with a verse to write each day. You’ll be guided to read the verse in context and then write the verse down.

Note: All 21 verses will have the theme of HOW to rejuvenate your walk with the Lord!

3} You’ll answer one quick question each day.

4} Done!


You in? Let’s get signed up!

Now let’s get our supplies together before we start.

You will need a Bible, a pen, and one of the following …

Choose One:

A. Print out the free worksheets we emailed to you (if you signed up above).

B. Or use a blank journal

C. Or use any old piece of paper

So you see, anyone can do this!

And there’s NO excuse not to join us! {grin}

Scripture Writing Journals to abide in the Word for 365 days

No time?

I know what you may be thinking. You want to spend time with the Lord every day. You may want to learn from His Word. But you have trouble succumbing to the reality of your mile-long to-do list.

I get it. I really do. I’ve been there.

But here’s the thing …

Your stress level needs this. {Ask me how I know.}

Your family and friends need you to do this.

YOU need this – more than anything else on that list.

Scripture Writing Challenge

You may think finding the time is not possible, but …

Daily time with the Lord in His Word is life-transforming in the most amazing, can’t-believe-it, shake-your-head kind of way!

Philippians 4:7 (ESV): And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

And Scripture writing can make that daily quiet time happen.


1. Scripture Writing is Do-Able

It’s just so easy!

You know what they say – break your ultimate goal down into smaller steps. This little, but powerful goal to write a verse each day is Step One in developing your time in the Word.

If you *think* you only have 3 minutes, then do it in 3 minutes!

But I promise you, your priorities and desires will evolve and change – from 3 minutes to 5, then 5 minutes to 10, then 10 to 20, and so on. That is the goal!

2. Our Worksheets and Journals Make It Simply Fill In The Blank

Leave your Verse Journal open. It’s funny how motivating it is to have that beckoning empty spot in your Verse Journal staring at you each day.

I can’t seem to leave any spot blank! It works!

3. Our Method Is Like A Habit Log

You will basically be keeping a log of your new daily habit, but BETTER! Who wants a plain old check mark in a box when you can have a Bible verse on cute watercolor worksheets or in a keepsake watercolor journal! Keeping a habit log has been proven to make new habits stick.

A Year of Colorful Scripture writing

What are people saying about Scripture writing?

Kathy said, “I didn’t really have the desire to write a bible verse every day, but I decided to do it. It has turned into the biggest blessing and I look forward to it now! Even though I’m retired, I have a busy schedule and doing these daily verses has helped me be more organized with spending time with the Lord and getting my priorities in order. I really enjoy writing the Word! It adds richness to my days. I praise and thank the Lord for prompting me to do it.”

Michelle said, “This morning I wrote a verse and underlined one word to focus on. What a treasure His Word is because He revealed something new to me through a verse that I have read so many times before! Thank you for suggesting this. I am excited and expectant to see what else He shows me. I do think I am going to have to get up even earlier though! LOL!”

She hit the nail on the head with that word: treasure.

So what do you say?

Do you want the treasures found in writing a verse a day?

Want to try it for 21 days and see?

Join our Write-A-Verse-A-Day challenge!

Scroll back up and fill out the form.

Write a verse a day challenge with verses on how to rejuvenate your walk with Christ!

I think you’ll like our Verse Journaling format.

Test drive it for 21 days and see!

Get these ^ free worksheets when you subscribe above.

Need help?

You can, of course, write Scripture every day on your own.

But if you would like encouragement and accountability (which I think are key elements), then …

Join the 21 Day Write-A-Verse-A-Day Challenge because

1. I will remind and encourage you every day (for 21 days) by email.

2. You can also join our private encouragement and accountability group here. This is totally optional, so feel free to hop in the group any time.

I can’t wait to see your treasures!

Scripture writing free accountability group
Ready to transform your Bible reading habit? Your whole life, even? If you want to write God's Word on your heart, but nothing you've tried has stuck, this Verse Journal is for you!

FAQ’s about the 21 Day Challenge

1. Will you give us the daily verses to write?

Yes! I will email you once a day for 21 days with the verse to write for each day.

2. What if I miss a day (or a week)?

Just jump back in when you can! Of course the purpose of a 21 day challenge is to build a new habit, but if something unusual comes up, I suggest you jot down the verse reference from the email on your worksheet. That way you can come back and write the verse later and you won’t have to keep all the emails. You will definitely want to keep these rejuvenating Bible verses handy for the next time you need them!

Daily Scripture writing keepsake - a verse journal

3. Does the Bible tell us to write verses?

Read this article about 10 people in the Bible who wrote down Scripture.

4. Do I have to start on a certain date?

Nope! Join anytime.

5. Do I have to use your pages or journals to join the accountability group?

No. Write on whatever you want! The only requirement is that you write.

Let me know if you have any more questions!

Ready to transform your Bible reading habit? Your whole life, even? If you want to write God's Word on your heart, but nothing you've tried has stuck, this Verse Journal is for you!

So let’s get started …

Grab your Bible, a pen, and free worksheets.

We are looking forward to seeing your verses and hearing what God teaches you through His Word!

**Thank you for sharing our challenge on facebook or pinterest – so many hearts can be transformed!

Scripture Verse Journal
Ready to transform your Bible reading habit? Your whole life, even? If you want to write God's Word on your heart, but nothing you've tried has stuck, this Verse Journal is for you!

Shop > Our Scripture Writing Journals!

See > A few of my favorite things!