Browsing Category: Hymns

Once a quarter, I look forward to reading Emily Freeman’s “What We Learned” series. I am fascinated with the premise not only because I like to learn (especially from the Bible – as you have probably figured out by now) but because it makes me sit back and take stock. Emily always includes the most interesting things and I learn several new things from her post every time! So, I am joining in! And I hope you will learn something new from me today. Life-long learning here we come …

How about some free Christmas gift tags? It’s BOGO Day here at Write Them On My Heart. And you won’t have to spend a dime! That being the case, I guess the “B” in Buy-One-Get-One needs to be modified in our particular case. So let’s have some fun and change that “B” around a bit.

Once a quarter, I look forward to Emily P. Freeman’s “What We Learned” series.” I am fascinated with the premise not only because I like to learn (especially from the Bible – as you have probably figured out by now) but because it makes me sit back and take stock. So, I am joining in – life-long learning here we come! In no particular order, here are 7 amazing (and completely random) things I learned this summer…