Review – Seamless Bible Study
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Actually, this is not exactly a review. It’s more of a myth buster.
I hadn’t planned to write about this Bible study until a conversation with friends put it on my heart. One friend was asking her friends if they were going to join her at the Seamless Bible study at their church. They were hesitant. Isn’t it for beginners?
Well, as you might guess, I piped up!
I’ll just say right off the bat – Seamless by Angie Smith is not only for new Christians, although it is true that it is perfect for them. Yes, she does explain some things you might already know, but I personally was ok with that.
My Bible study small group did this study about a year ago with the intent of inviting “newbies.” We, too, had the misconception that it was for beginners – maybe because the tagline on the cover of the book is: Understanding the Bible as One Complete Story. I mean, we “old-timers” already know all about that, right?
When we finished the study, our old-timers and newbies alike were unanimous.
Everyone should do the Seamless Bible study!
Angie gives a quote (on the video) by A. W. Tozer that sums up very nicely the conclusion we all came to: “The best book is not one that informs merely, but one that stirs up the reader to inform himself.”
We had been stirred up!
Angie brings to life how the entire Bible is a picture of how much we need God.

There is one more detail I probably should add – just in case it made all the difference. At the beginning of this study Angie challenged us to pray like mad women during the study – for understanding and joy for His Word.
We did that.
Like mad women.
We even emailed a reminder every week so we wouldn’t forget. Suffice it to say, I will be praying like that during every Bible study I do from here on out!
I mentioned the videos earlier, but I want to bust another possible myth and tell you that you don’t have to have the videos to do this study. I could be wrong, but I felt like a good bit of what was said in the videos was also covered in the lessons. So you can easily do this study even if you don’t have the videos.
The one thing you would miss however, is seeing Angie’s sweet, sweet personality and cute sense of humor! So definitely watch the videos if you can, but if you don’t have them, don’t let that hinder you from diving in to this study.
My final conclusion: I highly recommend Seamless – for long-time Christians as well as brand new ones.
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