Write The Word On My Heart
~ Today we are revealing 3 new Scripture writing journals to add to our collection! The theme for this year is: Write The Word On My Heart. See all the details below. ~
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Just in case you didn’t know, we design a new Scripture writing journal every year and we are over the moon about this one!
Mostly because it’s not just one.
For the first time ever (cue the confetti), we are offering 3 different versions of this year’s theme!
Let’s hear it for options!
We can’t wait to tell you all about these Scripture writing journals designed specifically to guide you through reading the entire Bible in one or two years (your choice)! So let’s get right to it.

Write The Word On My Heart
2 Timothy 3:16-17 (ESV): All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
Hebrews 4:12 (ESV): For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
We confess these verses to be true. We may even have them memorized, but how can we learn to live like it?
The answer is simply: daily time in God’s Word.
As Christians, we believe that God’s Word is powerful. It is His own Spirit-inspired truth, necessary for the life of every believer.
But how many times have we picked up the Bible, flipped through its pages, and set it down again – unsure of where to begin or overwhelmed by what we don’t know?
Or maybe we repeatedly find ourselves in the same familiar books and passages, uncomfortable with exploring the pages we haven’t read yet?
Do you ever wonder what Leviticus has to do with 1 John?
Or how the God of 1 Kings could be the same as the God of the Gospel of Matthew?
Or maybe you avoid certain books because they have just seemed, well, boring.

Friend, I am here to tell you that God’s Word really does live up to those passages we have memorized.
It is living.
It is active.
It’s God-breathed.
All of it.
Every single word.
If we believe that God has revealed Himself to us in this book, then why wouldn’t we study every single letter?
Here is your invitation to a lifetime of learning and loving God’s Word.
We believe that the Bible is not just a book to consult every now and then, but it is the very source of life for the believer and the primary means God uses to change our hearts.
Psalm 1:1-3 (CSB): How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked or stand in the pathway with sinners or sit in the company of mockers! Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night. He is like a tree planted beside flowing streams that bears its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.
But we also know that getting started can be intimidating! It is a big book, full of many different histories, poems, prophecies, and more.
The Bible is not a set of random, disconnected stories, but a masterfully designed, God-breathed Word that teaches us who God is and His plan for His world.
And even more than that, to write The Word on your heart has another deep significance:
John 1:1, 14 (ESV): In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God […] And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Jesus Christ is the Word of God made flesh! The Son of God is the embodiment of God’s wisdom, who took on humanity to rescue and redeem us.
The Bible tells us HIS grand story. So as we write Scripture with our hands, by the power of His Spirit, we are writing Jesus Christ on our hearts.

If you have never taken a step back to read the whole story from beginning to end, we invite you to join us.
You will be blessed!
And with the built-in accountability of a Scripture writing journal, you can take in the big picture of the Bible over the course of one or two years. Your choice!
These new Scripture writing journals will be your companion as you journey through the incredible story God has written.
You will learn about who He is and who He created you to be along the way.
By investing your time in the grand sweep of God’s big story, you will gain a better understanding of His character, His work in the world, and how the incredible Word He gave us is perfectly unified.

God’s Word is a beautiful story of redemption, and it is also the tool God uses to shape us. To change our hearts to be more like His.
As we see and get to know Him in His Word, we begin to resemble Him!
That is the goal of the Christian life – to be conformed into the image of Jesus (Romans 8:29). To be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Heb 12:1-2).
This begins with devoted attention to God in His Word.
There are so many ways to savor God’s Word (in-depth Bible study, Scripture memory, topical studies), but they will all be richer when you have a sense of how it all fits together by reading the whole thing.
All Scripture is God-breathed. So let’s take it all in!

We are delighted to offer both a one-year and a two-year Write The Word On My Heart journal to walk you through the entire Bible …
The One Year Plan – 365 daily Bible readings from Genesis to Revelation
~ Read the whole Bible in one year by spending daily time in a wide view (3-4 chapters per day) of God’s Word.
~ Available in hardcover or softcover.
~ Available in watercolor floral OR neutral navy.
The Two Year Plan – 730 daily Bible readings from Genesis to Revelation
~ Read the whole Bible in two years with a slower pace and more detailed view (1-2 chapters per day) of God’s Word.
~ Available only in hardcover.
~ Available in navy floral.
What’s inside?
Each version of the Write The Word On My Heart journal follows the same structure inside:
Our journals contain dated sections for every day of the year, beginning with January 1st. Beside each date, you’ll find instructions to read a certain passage and space to write a verse of your choosing.
Then you’ll find a section focused on allowing God’s Word to change you by pondering a question. (You can read about why we do this in the 9 P’s of Scripture writing here!)

To sum it up, each day you will be guided through these steps …
1} Pray – Psalm 119:18: Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions.
2} Read – the passage of the day.
3} Write – a verse you and the Lord choose from that passage.
4} Change – WTOMH (write them on my heart) through questions and reflection.
How is this different than our themed journals?
If you have used our Fear Not or Satisfied journals before, you know that they have a verse pre-selected for you to write each day, as well as a question already chosen for you to consider.
Since these new whole-Bible reading plans are guiding you through the entire Word, each day will offer so many different things to learn!
Therefore, rather than pre-selecting a verse for you to write, we encourage you to ask the Lord to lead you to a verse to write.
And instead of giving you one question to answer, you will choose one of the 5 provided questions that could apply to virtually any passage in the Bible!
The best part?
This means you will begin to practice Bible reading skills that will last for a lifetime!
We give you guidance, but you get to enjoy the journey of learning about who God is in His Word.
Do I have to start in January?
Nope! Granted, the plan is dated January-December and works through the Bible from beginning to end, but you can certainly begin on any date and just circle back around!
Note: We do recommend beginning on a day that starts a new book of the Bible (so you can keep it all in context), but feel free to join in anytime!
Need accountability? Join us in our Scripture Writing Accountability Email Group!
Tell me more about the options!
The One Year Plan – 3-4 chapters per day
Option 1 – Hardcover Watercolor Floral (reg. $39.99)
- 8×10 inch sturdy matte hardcover with hand-painted watercolor flowers
- Full-color watercolor interior pages on which to write each day
- Hand-lettered Scripture art throughout
- White uncoated, 70# (105 GSM) paper for excellent, no-bleed writing
Option 2 – Softcover Watercolor Floral (reg. $29.99)
- 8×10 inch glossy, flexible softcover with hand-painted watercolor flowers
- Full-color watercolor interior pages on which to write each day
- Hand-lettered Scripture art throughout
- White uncoated, 70# (105 GSM) paper for excellent, no-bleed writing
Option 3 – Hardcover Neutral Navy – neutral interior (reg. $39.99)
- 8×10 inch sturdy matte hardcover with hand-painted navy watercolors
- Neutral, grayscale interior pages on which to write each day
- Hand-lettered Scripture art throughout
- White uncoated, 70# (105 GSM) paper for excellent, no-bleed writing
Option 4 – Softcover Neutral Navy – neutral interior (reg. $29.99)
- 8×10 inch glossy, flexible softcover with hand-painted watercolor flowers
- Neutral, grayscale interior pages on which to write each day
- Hand-lettered Scripture art throughout
- White uncoated, 70# (105 GSM) paper for excellent, no-bleed writing

The Two Year Plan – 1-2 chapters per day
Hardcover Navy Floral – watercolor interior (reg. $44.99)
- 8×10 inch sturdy matte hardcover with hand-painted navy watercolors
- Note: Because this journal will be your companion for two full years, it is only available in the sturdier matte hardcover. This means it will stay in excellent condition for all that wonderful Scripture writing and will last for years to come!
- Full-color watercolor interior pages on which to write each day
- Hand-lettered Scripture art throughout
- White uncoated, 70# (105 GSM) paper for excellent, no-bleed writing
What are the shipping fees?
Our journals ship FREE from our Etsy Shop! If we happen to run out of stock there, you can order from our Blurb Shop for a small book-mail shipping fee.
How long will it take for my book to arrive?
Journals ordered from our Etsy Shop will arrive in 4-8 business days! Once it is in the mail, you will receive an email with information to track your package. Journals ordered from our Blurb Shop arrive in approximately 2 weeks.
If you have any more questions, let us know!
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We pray you love our new Write The Word On My Heart journals as much as we do!
We are thrilled that you are choosing to write God’s Word on your heart and so thankful that you would let us come alongside you as you do!
Thank you for your support of this ministry. We are grateful for YOU and are praying for the Lord to use these products to draw you ever closer to Him!
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