Browsing Category: Bible Study

After finishing the book Hope Heals by Katherine and Jay Wolf (which I highly recommend), a couple of quotes really stuck with me. In fact, they had my wheels turning and questions sparking so much that I had to dive into my Bible to learn more …

It’s renewal time! Yes, it’s that time of year when we all start to think about renewing our calendars and planners for next year. And as usual we’ve got you covered! But even better than introducing our new 2023 printable Christian Calendar with a Psalms theme, I want to introduce you to my sweet friend Rhonda …

Psst. I think I have stumbled upon the best way to read the entire Bible in one year. That’s a pretty big claim, I know. And I assume all you savvy online navigators want me to prove it. Gladly! There’s nothing I would like more than to give you everything you need to know to be consistent with your Scripture reading. Just imagine if …

As we live here and now, why does worship matter? Why should we think about it? What reasons does the Bible give for why worship matters that we should pay attention to? Let’s dig in to find out …