Where’s the Fire in the MOPS Theme Verse?
One of my favorite readers (FYI: I say that about all of you!) asked me to hand-letter the MOPS theme verses for 2018-19. “Sure!” I said. And then I ran into a snag …
One of my favorite readers (FYI: I say that about all of you!) asked me to hand-letter the MOPS theme verses for 2018-19. “Sure!” I said. And then I ran into a snag …
In Christian circles, you will most likely hear the terms quiet time and daily devotions used interchangeably. I personally like to use the term quiet time – because that’s how I like it to be – quiet. So are quiet and rest the main reasons to have quiet time with God? Those are wonderful – don’t get me wrong – but I think there’s a more important reason. And it may not be what you think …
When you became a Christian were you told “it’s not about doing a list of religious things?” Yet on this blog, I tell you all the time to read your Bible every day. And we’re supposed to go to church every Sunday. What about Micah 6:8? And what about the Ten Commandments? Aren’t they a “list of religious things?” So what does the Lord require, anyway? A list, or no list?
Whoa. I just checked and it’s way past time to add another verse to our Fear Project. The last installment was back in early June. How did I totally miss July? Heat of summer? Let’s go with that. We will make up for it today with the perfect summer heat Bible verses. They will also teach fear prevention. And worry prevention. Hmm. Skeptical? Let’s take a look …
Fresh off of a week-long mission trip, I attempted to catch up on my mile-long list of neglected emails. Funny how much quicker I can hit delete when my list is off the charts. But of course there were still scores that I had to read. That I couldn’t bear to delete. {Can you say FOMO?} One email caught my eye and as I read it, it referred me to another blog I had never seen before. Rabbit trail here we go. I was in for a shock …
I checked my “running list” of subscriber-requested verses as I prayed about which verse to hand-letter (and study) next. After settling on Proverbs 3:5-6, the thought struck me that these were probably some of the most popular verses of all time. My guess was top 10 – if not top 5. Well, there’s one way to find out! A quick internet search led me to this article and sure enough, these verses were numbers 8 and 10. Then I hunted for a more recent list and I found this one where the verses had fallen to numbers 22 and 23. That’s a pretty big fall in ranking. I pondered what that could mean …
Don’t you get a kick out of those times when God gets a theme going for your week and He hits you with it from all different angles in different circumstances for several days in a row? Maybe it depends on the theme. {smile} My story begins when I was asked to hand-letter a verse for our women’s ministry breakfast. I thought it was …
Are you free to chat for a minute? If you are still reading, then you are probably free to do whatever you want to do. For the most part, anyway. Which is probably why we don’t think about freedom very often – except when July 4th rolls around. If we were slaves, we might think about freedom all the time, right? Well, here’s a news flash …
Got peace? Why not? Let’s face it. Peace can be elusive sometimes. Maybe it’s because of our stage of life. Maybe it’s because of our circumstances. Maybe it’s because of other people. You fill in the blank. Let’s see if we can find out why peace is so elusive …
Do we haaave to memorize Bible verses? Or maybe a better question would be: Does the Bible tell us to memorize Scripture? Does God want us to spend precious time memorizing His Word? Or is reading it enough? What if we’re not good at memorizing? It’s so hard! Surely …