The Lowly Shepherds – Can You Relate?
No doubt you have heard the old saying: everyone loves an underdog. Everyone? Really? Well, maybe sometimes. Like in movies. But in real life, most of us prefer …
No doubt you have heard the old saying: everyone loves an underdog. Everyone? Really? Well, maybe sometimes. Like in movies. But in real life, most of us prefer …
I had to laugh when it finally dawned on me. “Of course,” I thought as I mentally bopped myself on my forehead in I-should-have-had-a-V-8-style! And then I couldn’t stop chuckling. Please tell me I’m not the only one who has private jokes with the Lord. Now I get it. Ever had a deadline looming and you really needed to hear from the Lord? …
When did Fall get to be so happy anyway? I don’t remember it always being so popular. Do you? Could it be that Starbucks started this whole cozy-autumn-pumpkin-spice craze? I don’t know. Maybe it’s been around all along and I just didn’t notice because …
Your assignment, should you choose to accept it (and I hope you do!), is to send a blessing this week. I have this on my mind because I just put in the mail – regular snail mail, mind you – a …
“It’s like watching paint dry,” my husband said and we all burst out laughing because at that moment, truer words had never been spoken! We had been waiting for Hurricane Irma to arrive for seven. whole. days. First it was not coming our way, then it was. Then it wasn’t, then it was again. Should we stay? Should we go? …
Do we have to have all of the fruits of the spirit? Even patience? What about peace? Gentleness? What if we struggle with one or two – oh who are we kidding – or ALL of these? Is there anything we can do to change our track record? Or do we just chalk it up to “I’m only human.”
Are you a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of gal, or do you like to make a plan and stick to the plan no matter what? I suspect most people fall somewhere in the middle. Me? I’m a natural born …
Who knew? I went to look up a few Bible study method acronyms, and lo and behold, I found a gazillion! Well, of course I’m exaggerating. It just felt like a gazillion when I was looking up each and every one! I actually found 21 – which is about 4 times more than I was expecting. So, I have listed them all (with their websites) here.
As you probably have figured out, the whole purpose of WriteThemOnMyHeart is to help you surround your heart and home with God’s Word. Why? Because …
I heard a quote the other day that I had not heard before – the kind that rolls around in your brain for days. Please tell me I’m not the only one who does that. Check it out for yourself …