Do I really want to read a book called “Fiercehearted?” I wonder what she means by fiercehearted? Hmmm. Honestly, I’m not sure I want to be fiercehearted – if it’s what I think it is. The overactive brain strikes again. And don’t forget, Lord, I already read the book “Anything” not too long ago. Surely I’ve hit my comfort-zone-stretching quota for the year, right? Well …
“It’s like watching paint dry,” my husband said and we all burst out laughing because at that moment, truer words had never been spoken! We had been waiting for Hurricane Irma to arrive for seven. whole. days. First it was not coming our way, then it was. Then it wasn’t, then it was again. Should we stay? Should we go? …
Do we have to have all of the fruits of the spirit? Even patience? What about peace? Gentleness? What if we struggle with one or two – oh who are we kidding – or ALL of these? Is there anything we can do to change our track record? Or do we just chalk it up to “I’m only human.”
Once a quarter, I look forward to Emily P. Freeman’s “What We Learned” series.” I am fascinated with the premise not only because I like to learn (especially from the Bible – as you have probably figured out by now) but because it makes me sit back and take stock. So, I am joining in – life-long learning here we come! In no particular order, here are 7 amazing (and completely random) things I learned this summer…
Are you a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of gal, or do you like to make a plan and stick to the plan no matter what? I suspect most people fall somewhere in the middle. Me? I’m a natural born …
It appears that some people have it all figured out. Maybe they were born with the personality to fearlessly get all the things done. Oh to juggle flaming torches without dropping a one! Something always seems to get dropped when I attempt that. Not a pretty picture. But …
Learning calligraphy seems to go in cycles. It comes back in fashion every 20 years or so, when everyone jumps on the bandwagon again. But it never totally goes out of style. Thank goodness. I was still a kid when I first learned calligraphy. I didn’t take a class. And there were no videos back then. No google. No You Tube. Not even a computer – gasp! So how in the world did I learn? …
Something about summer makes me want to read fiction. Even if I don’t have a beach trip planned {sigh}. Every other season of the year I tend to prefer non-fiction. But summer … well, it just calls for fiction. This year I picked up Beth Moore’s novel, The Undoing of Saint Silvanus. The title did not entice me at all, but I was curious about her very first fiction …
Who knew? I went to look up a few Bible study method acronyms, and lo and behold, I found a gazillion! Well, of course I’m exaggerating. It just felt like a gazillion when I was looking up each and every one! I actually found 21 – which is about 4 times more than I was expecting. So, I have listed them all (with their websites) here.