I gotta tell ya. Celebrating the 4th of July right after returning from a week in Cuba is something. The irony of God’s timing of these two events is not lost on me. Experiencing the country firsthand gave me a whole new appreciation for my freedom…

I am honored and excited to be an influencer this week for Holley Gerth’s new book! First of all – how cool is that? But my pastor often says we are all leaders and influencers of someone. That is so true. So don’t be all impressed with my new title! Ha. Ok, let me fill you in on …

I’ve had this book on my shelf for a really long time – so long that I couldn’t even tell you how long. So long that they’ve even updated the cover! It’s one of those books you’re not sure you want to read. You’re curious, but you have trepidation. It’s called Anything. Need I say more? Yes, actually …

None of us are immune. If only there was a survivor challenge where we could stand on our tip toes on a 4×4 while balancing a ball on our head to earn immunity! But there is no immunity challenge for this. We all have bad days come our way. So our challenge is …

I helped our women’s ministry with a One-Day Retreat last Saturday. And you know how helping can be sometimes – all Martha, Martha, Martha {said in my Brady Bunch voice} instead of Mary. The speaker was a precious gal from my Sunday School class who has a big heart for prayer and I did not want to miss a single word! So I determined in advance to “Mary-nate” my day even though I was helping…