Sometimes it pays to go outside your normal routine. I usually write the blog post first and then hand-letter the verse for you. Not this time. And now I have the coolest thing to share …

After living in the same house for 23 years, we moved to a new-to-us house back in November. Right after Thanksgiving to be exact. And we were definitely thankful! The Lord taught us so much through the process of selling, buying and moving – and a LOT about His timing. Oh – and it’s true what they say …

So I made a big decision this week. A tough one – although it shouldn’t have been. Whenever I pray about big decisions, I usually beg God to give me direction – a neon sign would be good, right? Many times I pray for …

Ah, spring! The warming weather, the budding branches, the blooming flowers, the flying butterflies, the ripening tomatoes and strawberries, the planning vacations, the pollen, the stuffy noses. Wait – those last two …