What? You couldn’t care less about Scripture writing? I hear this a lot. Well, maybe not in those exact words. {Thank you for being more polite than that.} But the truth is most Christians don’t get into Scripture writing. So I asked around … why is that? …

If you are reading this article, you must be like me and feel the need to work on changing your heart. Can you relate to wishing the true desires of your heart reflected more Jesus? Can you pray “Thy will be done” and mean it? Could you use more mercy? Wish evangelism came easily to you? Aspire to love your enemies? Dream of doing missions without hesitation? Maybe you wish that your top priority was daily time with the Lord. All these boil down to the desires of our hearts – which, if we’re honest, could use some work. So buckle up …

A few years ago, I rounded up some recipes that were hand-written by my grandmothers and great-grandmother. I was making a scrapbook of my family tree and I thought it would be cool to include some of their handwriting. You know, I truly hope handwriting never goes totally by the wayside. Because …