3 Practical Ways to Quiet Fear
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~ Today’s Scripture art and mini Bible study will reveal 3 practical and easy-to-remember ways to quiet fear according to First John 4:18. ~
I chuckle when I scroll through Pinterest and see so many blog posts that boil life down to “3 Easy Steps to …” or “5 Quick Ways to …”. They’re everywhere.
Can the stuff of life really be fixed with 3 easy steps?
I wish!
But on the other hand, I can appreciate a good practical to-do list if it will help me be productive.
So, today you get to chuckle at me – because I bring you 3 Practical Ways to Quiet Your Fear! Yep. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.
I hope my sons didn’t read that. If I had a nickel for every time I said … actually with inflation it should probably be up to at least a dollar by now. But I digress.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.

A good one for My Fear Verse Project, yes?
My first thought was … “casts out” is very descriptive.
Let’s do a little digging.
The New Living Translation puts the verse this way:
Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear.
And the Holman Christian Standard version words it this way:
There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear,
To me, that word “instead” makes more sense, doesn’t it?
Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life, explains the verse this way:
“God is love (see 1 John 4:8), and the more you fill your life with God, the less fear you are going to have.”
Hey – we can do that!
Let’s make that #1 of our …
3 Practical Ways to Quiet Fear
1. Fill my life with more God.
Prayer, worship, reading the Bible, praise, church, serving, etc. – check.
Then I turned to my Life Application Study Bible to read what the notes had to say for that verse.
“If we ever are afraid of the future, eternity, or God’s judgement, we can remind ourselves of God’s love. We know that He loves us perfectly (see Romans 8:38-39). We can resolve our fears first by focusing on His immeasurable love for us, and then by allowing Him to love others through us. His love will quiet your fears and give you confidence.”
Ooo – we can do both of those too, which brings us to #2 and #3 …
2. Focus on God’s immeasurable love for me.
To get that focus, we could look up all the verses showing God’s love for us – or print out 1 John 4:18 above and keep it visible – check.
Did you catch that last sentence of those notes? His love will quiet my fears and give me confidence.
And that confidence will naturally lead to …
3. Allow God to love others through me.
Don’t miss that word “allow.” God wants to show His love through us, but we need to make ourselves available.
Focusing on God’s love and showing His love to others will take our mind off ourselves and our fear.
It makes sense!
And it’s feeling pretty good to have a list – a list of practical steps that will be easy to remember.
I take back my chuckling earlier. {grin}
There you have it – 3 practical ways to quiet fear. Let me know how these work for you!
*My prayer for you is … that this blog will inspire you to open your Bible every single day to seek God’s face and write His Word on your heart – because HE’S the key to lasting heart change!
Have a comment? I’d love to hear it over on instagram!
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Now, about our number 3. While we’re being practical …
Can I interest you in an old-fashioned paper thank you note to show some love to others? I thought so. Check!

The hand-lettered Bible verse above?
My email subscribers received these thank you cards in their inbox for free!
Yep – I email a new printable once a month so it can be used in these 20 Clever ways!
If you would like to print your own thank you notes on demand, you can find them in my SHOP. (Never buy thank you cards again!)
Here are the envelopes to match this size thank you card (2 per 8.5 x 11 page).
And here is the best cardstock to print your thank you notes on. I buy the 11×17 pad because I’m cheap er, frugal – just cut the paper in half before running it through your printer.
And speaking of thank you, I just want to take a moment and thank you for supporting me on this new journey that God is taking me on! I appreciate you more than you know!
Don’t forget – subscribe below so you won’t miss any free printables in the future!