20 Clever Ways To Use And Display Printables
~ Today’s Scripture art and 20 tips for how to display printables were designed to help you write God’s Word on your heart – and home! ~
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Think fast – can you tell me the overall goal of this blog?
Free printables?
Actually, that’s only part of the story. But printables are a large part, yes.
The goal around here is to help you surround your heart and home with God’s Word.
We work towards that goal by …
- Sending subscribers free hand-lettered printable verses
- Digging deeper into the verses on those printables (blog posts)
- Sharing Christian book reviews
- Writing a verse a day!
Here’s the free printable that was sent today …

Since we send a lot of printables, our long-time, wonderful subscribers have ended up with a large collection of hand-lettered verses.
What do we do with them all?
Where can we find ideas how to display printables in a unique way?
Answers coming right up!
We know that many add them to their DIY Scripture notebooks. And we love that!
But this post is to brainstorm how to use and display your printables in new and fresh ways.
How to Use and Display Printables
(I’m going to start with the most obvious ways and get more creative as we go.)
1. Gift Printables
Printable hand-lettered verses make thoughtful as well as inexpensive gifts. Roll it up like a scroll and tie it with a pretty ribbon. Done!
2. Frame Printables
Unique frames can add so much and make your printable look even better. You can even get a frame that opens up so you can easily change out your printable each month – and store the extras in the back.
3. Send Printables
My free printables are sent as a card (and/or 5×7).
4. Clip Printables
I have this gorgeous gold grid hanging in my office. I simply clip whatever verses I want to focus on for the week. It’s also great for displaying the verses you want to memorize.

I also like to clip my printables on a clipboard. This will allow you to change the printable out as often as you like. I change mine frequently for the current holiday or season. All you have to do is lean your clip board on the mantel or shelf – no nails involved!
And there are so many cute clipboards to choose from!
5. Stick Printables
Printables are fun to stick in your journal or planner with washi tape. Most washi tape can even safely stick to the wall!
6. Display Printables
Easels are one of my favorite ideas because you can stack ALL your printables right there. Then you can easily swap out which one is on top.

7. Trace Printables
Use a light box or hold your printable up to a window and trace it into your journal, planner or Bible. Here’s the light box I have.
8. Memorize Printables
Print the verses you want to memorize 4-to-a-page and cut them to make cards to carry in your purse so you can memorize on the go.
9. Hang Printables
Hang your printable between magnetic wooden sticks or cut a slit in a dowel rod.
Or even easier, use pants hangers. They are inexpensive and have a really nice look when you hang them on rods or hooks.
10. Shelf Printables
Add interest to your bookshelf by adding printables. You can always use a frame of course, but there are lots of other creative ways to add printables to your shelves. Like this.
11. Collage Printables
Use your printable Bible verses to add to a photo collage like this.
12. Paint Printables
You won’t believe how easy it is to paint your own wood sign using this tracing method. There is even a video for all you visual learners.
13. Cork Printables
PinPix makes some unique bulletin boards to snaz up your office – and printables. And unique push pins are all the rage now.
14. Tag Printables
You can take one of my verse printables and size it down to make tags. You can use tags for more than just gifts – like a bookmark or a basket label. And be sure to snag my free Christmas gift tags already sized and ready to go right here …
15. String Printables
A little string, a few clips, plus printables make a great display! Here’s an example of a sting display.
16. Hook Printables
Isn’t this just the cutest hook idea?
17. Ladder Printables
I adore these framed prints on this ladder.
This one’s not bad either.
18. Light Up Printables
This is a fun idea with lights!
19. Transfer Printables
Did you know that you can print any of your printables on inkjet transfer paper and then iron it on a t-shirt? Or whatever else you want. How fun is that?
20. Wreath Printables
You can either tape your printables together like this,
Or you can use one of these heart card and photo holders.
There you have it. Over 20 ideas to use and display your free printables! I actually found even more, so I may need to do a second post like this in the future!
And just in case you didn’t know, I have an entire Pinterest board devoted to Displaying Printables – so follow that if you want more ideas.
I hope you found this list useful, and more than that, I hope you will be blessed by using these ideas to surround your heart and home with God’s Word!
*My prayer for you is … that this blog will inspire you to open your Bible every single day to seek God’s face and write His Word on your heart – because HE’S the key to lasting heart change!
Comments for this post are on my instagram and my facebook pages!
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Shop > Our Scripture Writing Journals!
*Shop today’s Scripture Art (below) right here in my SHOP.
Or you can save it for later on Pinterest.

Did you know?
I like to send free hand-lettered Scripture art to my Insiders!
Yep – I email a new printable once a month so it can be used in these 20 Clever ways!
Join the fun by subscribing below …