The Secret to Not Withering
~ Today’s Scripture art and mini Bible study reveal the biblical secrets to not withering. ~
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Ah, spring! The warming weather, the budding branches, the blooming flowers, the flying butterflies, the ripening tomatoes and strawberries, the planning vacations, the pollen, the stuffy noses.
Wait – those last two don’t quite fit with the rest, do they?
Do you have a love/hate relationship with springtime? Are you withering? Oh, the allergies. Oh, the dusty green cars. We noticed last weekend that everywhere we went everyone was sneezing – it was comical!
I know it’s hard to think through the allergy fog, but I have a question for you …
What’s the one thing that everything on our little springtime list (above) needs?
I’ll give you a second to guess.
If your stuffy nose has put you in no mood to play along, scroll on down. Grace is given here.

The answer is … Water!
Trees and flowers need water, butterflies need puddles, fruits and veggies need watering, vacations need the beach (in my opinion), pollen needs the rain, and allergies need hydration. Lots and lots of hydration.
Water is essential to keep things – and us – from withering.
Psalm 1:3: He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.
Don’t you just love the Psalms?
Such beautiful word pictures. Can you see that gorgeous tree by the stream? With bright green leaves and juicy fruit?
But exactly who is this he who doesn’t wither?
I’d like to not ever wither!
Let’s add verse two.
Psalm 1:2-3: but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.
Oh, so he is someone who delights in the Word of God and meditates on it day and night.

I always like to read different versions in my Parallel Bible. So just for fun, take a look at how expressive these verses are in The Message:
Instead you thrill to God’s Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. You’re a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom.
Interesting. Chew on Scripture.
He never drops a leaf. He does not wither.
Hmmm. I think we may be on to something here.
A secret medicine to prevent withering!
Janet Pope, author of His Word in My Heart, explains these verses in Psalm 1 this way: “The tree represents a life. The water represents God’s Word. This healthy tree flourishes because it is planted close to the water—its life source. Likewise our souls flourish by our intake of the Scriptures. It is water for thirsty souls.”
She goes on to talk about intentional planting. “They didn’t just plant a tree anywhere and hope to find water. They found the water first and then planted the tree. Brilliant!”
The Word of God is essential to keep me from withering.
2 Peter 1:3 (NIV) – His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.
Everything we need is … (did you catch it?) … through our knowledge of Him!
Which we get by chewing on Scripture.
The secret revealed!
Janet Pope’s book His Word in My Heart is a must-read for anyone who wants to chew on Scripture.
She is a true inspiration who memorizes whole books of the Bible! Not just verses or chapters, but whole books! This book teaches you step-by-step how she does it. And why she does it …
“So why have I been so successful at memorizing Scripture? It’s because I have a higher goal than just memorizing the Bible. My primary goal is to know God and walk closely with Him.”
But don’t worry, she does encourage you to start small.
And she stresses the reasoning for memorizing …
“It’s not the accomplishment that has changed my life but rather the process of thinking and meditating on specific truth learned in its context.”
And, “Through His Word I’ve found increasing joy in His companionship and a gratified heart that seeks no other source. His Word ushers me into His presence and feeds me at His table. This has been, by far, the greatest benefit of knowing God’s Word.”
By the way, she started memorizing when she had two small children, so don’t even try to give her the “time” excuse. {grin}
Her book “presents an alternative for the frazzled, guilt-ridden woman who longs to know God and His Word but hasn’t found a way to accomplish this amidst the unrelenting treadmill of activities.”
I know what you’re thinking. But before you write this off as something you can’t do, I challenge you to consider a couple of questions Janet asks …
“Ask yourself, how would my life be different if I made God’s Word my daily delight? If throughout my day, God’s Word rolled around in my head, if I made it a habit of thinking through the implications of a passage instead of just reading it?”
How would my life be different? No doubt, it would be better!
Let’s start with Psalm 1!
*My prayer for you is … that this blog will inspire you to open your Bible every single day to seek God’s face and write His Word on your heart – because HE’S the key to lasting heart change!
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This post has been linked to Quick Lit on Modern Mrs. Darcy and Grace & Truth, a weekly Christian Link-Up by ArabahJoy.com.

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