Think fast – can you tell me the overall goal of this blog? Free printables? Actually, that’s only part of the story. But printables are a large part, yes. The goal around here is to surround heart and home with God’s Word. I work towards that goal by …
I’m pretty sure that I don’t qualify as a young mom anymore. My two sons are married and have children of their own. But I decided to jump in on the study at my church of The Super Mom Myth – as a possible mentor (after last week’s post I had to!) and also a support to my sweet friend who was leading it. I was the oldest person there. As you can probably imagine, I have a slightly different take on this book than the other gals …
In the first chapter of Luke, we meet the interwoven lives of two women who are very different in age and season of life. In today’s day and age, they would be unlikely close friends …
I’m not sure if there’s another verse quite like this one. This downright amazing, thought-provoking quote was made by John the Baptist. It is my all-time favorite verse. But this is not about me. Ha. But this verse is about life and the key to what it’s all about. It’s interesting to me that …
You’ve heard it before. And there’s a good reason for that. If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you’ve heard it umpteen times. And I’m usually such a rule follower, too. But … Today I’m breaking my own rule. Well, technically it’s not my rule. I hope it’s everyone’s rule. Today I am pulling …
If only we could know in advance the purpose for our suffering. Did you see the movie The Passion of the Christ a few years back? Once was more than enough for me. But one thing I will give it – that movie sure did make me contemplate the suffering that Jesus went through. To this day I can’t get those scenes out of my mind. Jesus knew the reason behind His suffering and I’m sure that had to help Him get through it. Would it help you be stronger through your suffering if you knew it had a purpose …
“Word studies aren’t really my thing.” “Really? Why not?” “Well, who has that kind of time? And it’s so complicated!” This is how the conversation usually goes. Word studies have a bad rap. But, do I have good news for you!
Don’t let the plain jane cover fool you. This book, Even If Not, and its author are anything but plain jane. Kaitlyn E. Bouchillon is astonishingly wiser than her twenty-something years. I guess a brain tumor at 17 might do that to a person.