Once a quarter, I look forward to the “What I Learned” series. I am fascinated with the premise not only because I like to learn (especially from the Bible – as you have probably figured out by now) but because it makes me sit back and take stock. So – you guessed it – I am joining in! And I hope you will learn something new from me today. Life-long learning here we come! Without further ado, and in no particular order, here are 7 “good” (and completely random) things I learned this fall …

How about some free Christmas gift tags? It’s BOGO Day here at Write Them On My Heart. And you won’t have to spend a dime! That being the case, I guess the “B” in Buy-One-Get-One needs to be modified in our particular case. So let’s have some fun and change that “B” around a bit.

I had to laugh when it finally dawned on me. “Of course,” I thought as I mentally bopped myself on my forehead in I-should-have-had-a-V-8-style! And then I couldn’t stop chuckling. Please tell me I’m not the only one who has private jokes with the Lord. Now I get it. Ever had a deadline looming and you really needed to hear from the Lord? …

When did Fall get to be so happy anyway? I don’t remember it always being so popular. Do you? Could it be that Starbucks started this whole cozy-autumn-pumpkin-spice craze? I don’t know. Maybe it’s been around all along and I just didn’t notice because …

Life is hectic. You can’t seem to get all the things done. Then your fellow committee member goes above and beyond to save the day. Your day. You are beyond grateful. How can you ever thank her? She says don’t mention it. You know she did it out of her love for Jesus. Love swells inside and you want to do something special for her. Maybe something that will always remind her of how appreciative you are for her selfless help that day …

I can guess your answer. That’s an easy one because we probably all have the same answer. We have all experienced Friendship PTSD (friendship post-traumatic stress disorder). We are all broken and wounded. Did a particular person come to mind when I asked that question? Maybe a specific time when you were hurt? Yeah, I did the same thing – until …

Your assignment, should you choose to accept it (and I hope you do!), is to send a blessing this week. I have this on my mind because I just put in the mail – regular snail mail, mind you – a …