Jesus Is The Center Of Our Calendar
~ Today’s Scripture calendar and blog post about how Jesus is the center of our calendar were designed to help you write God’s Word on your heart. ~
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You know those cute little mini-books that are by the check-out line at the Christian book store?
By the way, they make great gifts if you need a little-something meaningful for a friend or co-worker. I have already been given two of them this Christmas season.
My church gave each family a Christmas devotional mini-book called The Christmas Code by O.S. Hawkins.
It’s small but thought-provoking.
Let me give you an example:
“I love Rembrandt’s portrayal of the nativity. One great beam of light falls upon the baby Jesus so that all the other participants are somewhat shrouded in shadow. He wanted nothing to take away from the significance of Christ. Christmas is really about Christ. And, primarily, Christ alone. Not only is He the center of the nativity scene, He is the center of all of human history. His birth divided all of human history into “before” and “after” Christ. And, if you don’t believe this, just think about it at the end of this month when you change your calendar. His birth points the way for all men and women to see that the road to our eternal home is through Him.”
That caught my eye because I was in the middle of making this year’s printable calendar for you.
*Side note: This is the best paper to use to print your calendar.
Of course I know what B.C. and A.D. mean, but I’ve never really given them much thought.
Until now.
Jesus is the center of all human history!
That’s pretty amazing to think that even non-Christians follow the timeline of B.C./A.D. dating system (even though they are trying to change the initials to B.C.E. and C.E).
But no matter the title or initials, the timeline is still the same – and it has Jesus as the center!
How cool is that?
Everyone recognizes the timeline with Jesus as the center.
Hebrews 3:1-2 (MSG): So, my dear Christian friends, companions in following this call to the heights, take a good hard look at Jesus. He’s the centerpiece of everything we believe, faithful in everything God gave him to do.
The other mini-book I was given is The Case For Christmas by Lee Strobel. I have read The Case For Christ and this little book is similar in feel.
If you have ever had little doubts here and there about Jesus, I recommend any of Lee Strobel’s books. He is a former atheist who used his reporter skills to attempt to prove that Christianity was a farce.
Well, guess what he proved instead?
You’ll have to read his books to find out. {grin} Or if you prefer movies, you can rent or buy the movie here.

The hand-lettered calendar above?
All my email subscribers got it in their inbox for free!
Yep – I email a new printable once a month so it can be used in these 20 Clever ways!
And I don’t want you to miss out on next year’s free calendar!
Don’t forget to download your welcome gifts …

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