Browsing Category: Psalms

Today’s verse, as well as lettering style, was a “reader request.” Yes, that’s right, I am happy to take requests – as long as you are not in a big hurry! {smile} After studying this verse, I agreed with my reader that it would make a great card. But I must admit that I wasn’t convinced of that at first. I was a little leary of plucking this verse out of its context …

The Bible tells us that God has spoken in many different ways. Would you like a burning bush? Or a donkey? How about thunder? Maybe a whisper? We could go on. But how He speaks is a study for another day. The point is: we know God speaks. And how He speaks doesn’t affect today’s question, which is … Why Does God Speak To Us? …

‘Tis the season for shopping for new planners, right? They seem to be everywhere I turn. Never mind that there’s 4 more months until my current planners run out. Yes, plural. I have my “Goldilocks” (just right) Christian Printable Planner and my plain planner for writing a verse a day. And there’s also my mini calendar where I keep track of birthdays, and my giant wall calendar where I plan my blog posts, and of course, there’s the calendar on my phone for my appointments. Too much of a good thing? It could be said that I have a problem. But …

Once a quarter, I look forward to reading Emily Freeman’s “What We Learned” series. I am fascinated with the premise not only because I like to learn (especially from the Bible – as you have probably figured out by now) but because it makes me sit back and take stock. Emily always includes the most interesting things and I learn several new things from her post every time! So – you guessed it – I am joining in! And I hope you will learn something new from me today. Life-long learning here we come! Without further ado, and in no particular order, here is a round-up of 7 completely random “secrets” I learned this summer.

Never once did I think of this verse as negative. At first glance, the thought of God hemming me in sounded wonderful to me. But I found a surprise when I started studying Psalm 139:5. This verse took me on somewhat of a roller coaster ride. Up, down. Up, down. Want to follow along? …

I had to laugh when it finally dawned on me. “Of course,” I thought as I mentally bopped myself on my forehead in I-should-have-had-a-V-8-style! And then I couldn’t stop chuckling. Please tell me I’m not the only one who has private jokes with the Lord. Now I get it. Ever had a deadline looming and you really needed to hear from the Lord? …

Life is hectic. You can’t seem to get all the things done. Then your fellow committee member goes above and beyond to save the day. Your day. You are beyond grateful. How can you ever thank her? She says don’t mention it. You know she did it out of her love for Jesus. Love swells inside and you want to do something special for her. Maybe something that will always remind her of how appreciative you are for her selfless help that day …