Scripture Writing Plans – How To Choose
~ Today we have tips to help you choose a Scripture writing plan that’s the perfect fit for you as well as Scripture Art designed to help you write God’s Word on you heart. ~
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So you’re interested in starting daily Scripture writing. Wonderful! I am here to tell you, you won’t regret it.
But where do you begin? How do you choose a Scripture writing plan that’s a good fit for you?
I want to ensure your success in this endeavor because it’s one of the best things you could ever do with your time – and for your heart.
I’ve already written about the reasons why you should handwrite Scripture …
10 Reasons to Handwrite Bible Verses
10 Reasons Why I Champion Scripture Writing
I won’t rewrite those 20 different reasons here, except for this one, which is my favorite:
Reason #9: Scripture writing can change your behavior!
Research suggests that when we write something down, as far as our brain is concerned, writing seems to act as a rehearsal for doing it.
So when I write down “rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18), my brain is actually rehearsing doing that very thing!
Yes, please.
It’s easy to read something and promptly forget it. Or worse, read something and then think “Wait, what did I just read?” and have to go back and read it again.
But when I write something, it’s different. It gets internalized.
Scripture is what I want to internalize.
You too?
Okay then, let’s choose a Scripture writing plan that’s perfect for you and get started.
It’s important to choose a plan that works well with your personality and/or your circumstances so you’ll be more likely to complete it. Don’t waste your time and money on a plan that isn’t the right fit. Take a minute and read the choices below so you can ensure success.
Here is your personal “cheat sheet” to help you determine the best plan for you!
Find Your Own Perfect-Fit Scripture Writing Plan
1. For the Scripture writer who needs to keep it short
Maybe you’re a stay at home mom with toddlers or maybe you go to a job that requires overtime. For those seeking a quick time in the Word, I recommend our topical Scripture writing plans which only take about 10 minutes per day. Choose one of these …
2. For the Scripture writer who likes to spend more time in the Word
If you are like me, I love nothing more than camping out in the Word. For those craving a more extended time in the Word, I recommend our Bible-in-a-year plan which reads 3-4 chapters per day. And you are going to love the thought-provoking questions in these …
3. For the Scripture writer who likes to DIY
I know some of you enjoy decorating and doodling in your own DIY binders. I’ve got just the thing for you – our printable Scripture Notebook Kits. Our 365-day printable pages are designed to use less ink but still have our signature colorful vibe! Also, if you prefer our full-color watercolor pages, we have the printable version of those too. And of course you can always print a few pages at a time as you need them. …
4. For the Scripture writer who prefers neutral colors
As you have probably figured out by now, I love colors – and lots of them. But I know many of you prefer neutrals so we made a Scripture writing plan just for you with a Neutral Navy cover and light gray pages.
5. For the Scripture writer who’d like to improve their daily consistency
Our dated Scripture writing plans are great at helping you form a permanent habit because they act as a habit tracker. Each day has a designated watercolor spot to write a verse, and you will not want to leave any spot blank! I can’t! {grin}
6. For the Scripture writer who struggles to understand Scripture
This one might apply to all of us! And that’s exactly why most of our plans have a WTOMH question so you can learn by going back and doing a little digging to answer one question about the verse you write. (WTOMH = write them on my heart.) You will be amazed at how God will teach you in that “going back” time with Him. Choose one of these …
7. For the Scripture writer who hates journaling
Not everyone likes journaling their inner thoughts and emotions. (If you do like journaling, see #8.) Non-journalers will want to choose one of our topical plans which are all Bible all the time. The built in question for each verse simply checks Scripture with Scripture, rather than asking about your personal thoughts on the verse.
8. For the Scripture writer who likes to do their own thing
Are you thinking: Don’t fence me in? You will want to use our undated, open-ended plan. It still has 365 spaces to write 365 verses, but there are no questions. You can either include your own thoughts, or have it contain your written verses only. You decide!
We also have a blank journal with colorful ruled pages …
9. For the Scripture writing rule followers
I didn’t forget you rule followers! You will enjoy our dated Bible-in-a-year (or two) plans. These will guide you through exactly what to do each day. And you’ll learn to see the big picture of the whole Bible.
10. For the Scripture writer who wants to start on a day other than January 1st
Well, even our dated plans could be started anytime and you can just circle back around. But if that would bug you {grin}, then simply choose any of our undated plans.
As you can see, there IS a Scripture writing plan that is perfect for you. I hope this cheatsheet was helpful and you now have a couple of choices in mind as you pick out a plan to begin your Scripture writing journey.
Because choosing the right fit is important in promoting success in building a lifelong habit of internalizing Scripture every single day.
… which makes me think of one more …
11. For the Scripture writer who wants to change and become more like Jesus each day (all of us)
As we write Scripture, God will write it on our hearts and minds.
Hebrews 10:16 (ESV): “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws on their hearts, and write them on their minds,”
Let’s become more like Jesus with every Word we write!
Want accountability? Join our Scripture Writing Private Small Group!
Want motivation? Take our Scripture Writing Challenge!
*My prayer for you is … that this blog will inspire you to open your Bible every single day to seek God’s face and write His Word on your heart – because HE’S the key to lasting heart change!
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Want a FREE SAMPLE of our Fear Not 365 Scripture Writing Plan?
Shop > Our Scripture Writing Journals!

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