Think fast – can you tell me the overall goal of this blog? Free printables? Actually, that’s only part of the story. But printables are a large part, yes. The goal around here is to surround heart and home with God’s Word. I work towards that goal by …
So tell me, how often does God ask you to do something where you don’t feel even remotely qualified? When you look back over this past year, did you have any tough assignments? I sure hope so! Don’t give me that look. We both know …
You know those cute little mini-books that are by the check-out line at the Christian book store? One caught my eye because I was in the middle of making a 2018 calendar for you …
How about some free Christmas gift tags? It’s BOGO Day here at Write Them On My Heart. And you won’t have to spend a dime! That being the case, I guess the “B” in Buy-One-Get-One needs to be modified in our particular case. So let’s have some fun and change that “B” around a bit.
Learning calligraphy seems to go in cycles. It comes back in fashion every 20 years or so, when everyone jumps on the bandwagon again. But it never totally goes out of style. Thank goodness. I was still a kid when I first learned calligraphy. I didn’t take a class. And there were no videos back then. No google. No You Tube. Not even a computer – gasp! So how in the world did I learn? …