I’ve got a terrific idea for you. When someone asks you what you got for Valentine’s Day, just say: eternal life! After all, it’s the absolute most extravagant gift ever – especially when you consider we don’t deserve it …

Welcome to my virtual Blog Scrapbook! Every year in January I celebrate my blogiversary and look back to reminisce and see what worked and what didn’t. Life-long learning, right? Plus, it’s usually fun and surprising to see your favorite posts (and how different they were from my favorite posts) for the past year. But first …

Once a quarter, I look forward to reading Emily Freeman’s “What We Learned” series. I am fascinated with the premise not only because I like to learn (especially from the Bible – as you have probably figured out by now) but because it makes me sit back and take stock. Emily always includes the most interesting things and I learn several new things from her post every time! So, I am joining in! And I hope you will learn something new from me today. Life-long learning here we come …

The Bible tells us that God has spoken in many different ways. Would you like a burning bush? Or a donkey? How about thunder? Maybe a whisper? We could go on. But how He speaks is a study for another day. The point is: we know God speaks. And how He speaks doesn’t affect today’s question, which is … Why Does God Speak To Us? …

I don’t want to leave a legacy. Have you heard that new song by Casting Crowns? It’s a real thinker. Do you want people to remember you? Or only Jesus? That’s what the chorus begs you to ponder. Most of us have thought about leaving some sort of legacy. I know I have. I even own a shelf full of scrapbooks to prove it. But could it be that when we get to heaven, we’ll realize that we should have wanted something better than a legacy for ourselves? What if our lives had the same conclusion as the Lord’s Prayer …

There I was again, grappling with what God was asking me to do. Something I didn’t really want to do. Something I didn’t have time to do. Something I was scared to do. I put it off and hoped it would be forgotten. Do I really want to keep letting comfort and fear win? Here’s what I’ve learned …