What Is Them?
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I just started this blog and I already have FAQs! By the way, does the grammar in that title bother you as much as it bothers me? Nevertheless, that is the first burning question. So for the two of you who asked (just started, remember) …
Write Them On My Heart? What is them?
The quick and easy answer is that it comes from Jeremiah 31:33 …
“But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel after those days,” says the Lord. “I will put my instructions deep within them, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. (NLT)
“Them” is God’s instructions. (Oh the grammar. I know.)

The second FAQ usually immediately follows the first question: So why did you name your business after Jeremiah 31?
Before I answer, I would like to make sure to point out that I cannot take credit for coming up with what I think is a pretty creative title for this little business. It was all God – He is so creative! (See Genesis 1) “We” named it this because it combines three of my favorite things …
1. The Bible
I am hooked! The more I read my Bible and study it and re-write it (see below), the more I want it! I still to this day cannot get over the cool-factor every time I read a verse that directly speaks to the exact thing going on in my day that very day. (Like reading Jeremiah 31 and Proverbs 7 when I was trying to come up with a name for this business.) I LOVE when God does that! It’s my favorite thing.

2. Calligraphy and hand-lettering
I have been involved with calligraphy and hand-lettering off and on since I was a teen, but recently God brought it back into my life. First, I made two chalkboard signs for two different weddings. Then I was asked to address wedding invitations for a third wedding. It took a lot of practicing since I was a bit rusty, but now that I’m back up to speed, I want to keep it that way!

3. Writing
By writing, I mean regular old hand-writing, not write-a-book writing. I have never been one to keep a journal in the traditional diary sense, but for years now I have been writing down Bible verses. Since I found myself with a lot of pretty journals (mostly gifts), I decided to fill them up with verses! I hardly ever wrote my own thoughts in them – I much prefer God’s thoughts!

I didn’t set out to write a verse almost every day, it just sort of happened.
But I have no doubt that it has changed me — for the better.
Now the Lord is calling me to share this with all of you.
So, what do you say? Will you join me in writing God’s Word on your heart?

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