Write Prayer On My Heart Journal with Romans 12:12 Scripture Art

~ Today we are revealing our newest Scripture writing journal to add to your collection! The theme this year is: Write Prayer On My Heart. This is not a typical prayer journal. See why below. ~

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Just in case you didn’t know, we design a new Scripture writing journal every year and we can hardly contain ourselves over this one!

We’re not sure there’s anything quite like it available.

Our theme this year is prayer.

But this is not like typical prayer journals.

While most prayer journals are designed for you to write your own personal prayers (which is wonderful!), this journal is different.

This Scripture-writing prayer journal will examine other people’s prayers.

More specifically, we will take a look at a large variety of prayers recorded in the Bible – as well as all the instructional verses about how to pray.

Write Prayer On My Heart Journal

Write Prayer On My Heart Journal

All of us who desire an intimate relationship with God know that prayer is vital.

It is our line of communication with the Lord, our way of crying out to Him with life’s pains, fears, victories, and cares.

1 Peter 5:7 (CSB): casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you.

But how many of us also struggle with prayer?

How many of us find ourselves stuck in the pattern of too little prayer?

Or apathy in prayer?

Or frustration in prayer?

We aren’t alone – even Jesus’ closest disciples asked Him to teach them to pray.

Luke 11:1 (ESV): Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.”

Maybe we should ask Him for that too!

We can probably all use a dash of growth in our prayer life. So let’s go straight to God’s Word and ask Him how He wants us to pray.

While there is no shortage of books on prayer (and many good ones!), we think we will all find it invaluable to know firsthand what the Bible has to say about it.

Romans 12:12 Scripture Art - Be constant in prayer

What does God’s Word teach us about prayer?

Did you know that there are well over 365 prayers recorded in the Bible?

When something is in the Bible that often, we should take notice.

So, what exactly does God’s Word tell us about how, when, and in what circumstances to pray?

Does God give us insight into a prayer life that can truly change us from the heart?

Luke 18:1 (ESV): And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.

Thankfully, God’s Word is full of stories and examples of prayers that can teach us.

Have you ever wondered if prayer has morphed and changed through the ages?

Let’s find out!

In order to grow in our prayer life, we will take a detailed look at prayer all over the Bible – prayers from men and women, from Genesis to Revelation. 

Your relationship with the Lord will be forever changed through this whole-Bible study …

  • once you realize the heart behind the prayers in the Bible.
  • once you grasp how long and how often they prayed.
  • once you take note of exactly what was prayed (or not prayed).
  • once you observe the power of prayers that had those qualities.
Write Prayer On My Heart journal - the inside pages

What’s inside the Write Prayer On My Heart journal?

The journal will guide you through 365 prayer Scriptures – one for each day of the year!

Along with writing each verse, you’ll find instructions to read a passage for the larger context.

Then you’ll find three special keys to help you consider the verse more closely.

Special keys to use in the Write Prayer On My Heart journal.


Heart – Observe the heart behind the prayer.

Clock – Observe any time factors surrounding the prayer.

Magnifying Glass – Examine details of what happens next. What did God do? What did the person do?

Here’s an example:

For this Bible study you will basically become a private investigator. {grin}

We will be on the hunt for detailed information about what, when, where, and how to pray like they did in the Bible.

Spoiler alert …

Romans 12:12 (ESV): Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

Prayer Journal Page One

What’s on the outside of the journal?

Two 8×10 cover options available!

  1. Beautiful, sturdy matte hardcover you can keep and refer to for years to come, OR 
  2. Glossy, flexible softcover for convenience and portability.

Both cover options include the exact same interior content:

  • Hand-painted original watercolor cover art
  • 365 verses and guided observations
  • Watercolor spaces on which to write each day
  • Hand-lettered Scripture art throughout
  • White uncoated, 70# (105 GSM) paper for excellent, no-bleed writing
Write Prayer On My Heart Journal - 2 cover choices

Pre-Order Bonuses (expired)

Bonus Week is over, but we decided to leave the details here, so you can get excited for next year!

As a thank you for pre-ordering the Write Prayer on My Heart journal, we are delighted to include some exciting, one-time-only freebies!

These special bonuses will not be included with regular purchases of the journals; they are only available during our pre-order week window of November 18-25, 2022! 

As with all of our products, these bonus items are designed to help you write God’s Word – and prayer – deeper on your heart. 

#1 Pre-Order Week BONUS – Free Scripture Memory Cards

One of the very best ways to write God’s Word indelibly on our hearts is to physically write it down! Hence, Scripture writing.

But as you are working through the prayer verses in the book, you can also be rehearsing the truths over and over with Scripture memory cards!

We have curated 12 printable hand-lettered prayer verses in a convenient, portable, memory card format exclusively for Pre-Order Week! 

These digital cards will be emailed to you for free with your Nov. 18-25 new journal purchase.

Print them out and tape them to your bathroom mirror, keep them in the car, or use them to make a memory verse booklet

Prayer Scripture Memory Cards
#2 Pre-Order Week BONUS – Free Magnet

We want you to have a Scripture magnet featuring Psalm 27:8 to remind you that your goal through this study is to seek the Lord in His Word and in prayer.

This 3×3 inch magnet is professionally printed on high quality vinyl so it will last.

Use it on your fridge, at your desk, or anywhere you need a reminder that it is in the Lord’s presence that we find satisfaction.

The magnet will be mailed with your Nov. 18-25 new journal purchase.

Psalm 27 magnet
#3 Pre-Order Week SPECIAL SALE!

During Pre-Order Week, the new Write Prayer On My Heart journal will be 15% off the regular price!

This is a biggie!

Because of the cost of printing, we rarely mark down our Scripture Writing Journals!

But if you pre-order November 18-25, you will receive 15% off the regular price! 

Psst. If you’d like a bigger discount, keep reading …

#4 Pre-Order Week SPECIAL – Bundle ANY of our Journals!

Want to give Scripture Writing journals for Christmas presents?

Do we have a deal for you!

During Pre-Order Week (Nov. 18-25), ALL seven of our journals will be available for a special BUNDLE discount.

(We’ve never done this before – it’s gonna be fun!)

#5 Pre-Order Week SPECIAL – All Scripture Art Printables 20% off!

Stock up on wall art, cards, and/or art for your planner!

No code needed for these.

And no journal purchase required.

Romans 12:12 Scripture Art - Be constant in prayer.


When will my book arrive?

Journals will begin shipping on or before December 12 and will arrive in 2-8 business days! When it is in the mail, you will receive an email with information to track your package.

When will my card be charged?

Payments will be processed by Etsy as soon as you complete your order.

When will I receive my pre-order bonuses?

You will receive an email including a digital download of the Scripture memory cards within 24 hours of your purchase. The magnet will be shipped along with your journal!

What are the shipping fees?

Our journals ship FREE from our Etsy Shop!

We pray you love our new Write Prayer On My Heart journals as much as we do!

We are thrilled that you are choosing to write God’s Word on your heart and so thankful that you would let us come alongside you as you do!

Thank you for your support of this ministry. We are grateful for YOU and are praying for the Lord to use these products to draw you ever closer to Him!

Write Prayer On My Heart Scripture Notebook Kit

Also, check out our coordinating Prayer Scripture Art Bundle!

Scripture Art about Prayer
*My prayer for you is … that this blog will inspire you to open your Bible every single day to seek God’s face and write His Word on your heart – because HE’S the key to lasting heart change!

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Shop today’s Scripture Art (below) in our Etsy Shop.

Romans 12:12 Scripture Art

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